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Welcome to the airbrush painting and mixed media courses in pre-recorded online mode, I am Rafa Fonseca artist and hyperrealist painter specialized in the use of airbrush since 2014, I currently sell my artwork in Colombia, Singapore and USA.

I also teach classes in my painting school Rafa Airbrush School in Bogota Colombia, teaching not only to students in Colombia but we have also received in person in Bogota to students from several countries around the world who we thank for preferring us and trust our school and my method of work to make really amazing paintings.

For this same reason and the demand of some of my students I was the first artist to teach virtually to paint with airbrush since 2016, I do not lie to them there were always skeptical people about learning in this way, which was resolved very quickly when they saw the result of my students virtually, we had some difficulties to organize classes and schedules obviously by the availability of time of each person, for this precise reason and after many people asked me for it, I took the decision to go into the creation of online recorded courses, with which you can learn at your own pace and at your own time intensity, thus having lifetime access to the courses so you can review and study the lessons as many times as necessary, on the other hand you could also save money on transportation costs, travel, hotels and more!

Come and take one of my workshops with a unique and very complete experience where I assure you that you will learn all the secrets of realistic airbrush painting and mixed techniques!

See you in the course, remember that art does not die... art is forever! Rafa Fonseca

Believe in 

Jesús Manzano

Orgulloso de poder decir que mi guacamaya está acabada. Felicitarte por la calidad del curso y agradecerte el que compartas tus conocimientos con los que queremos aprender!"
Resultado de uno de nuestros estudiantes, taller Grabado

Darren Outhwaite, UK

"Thank you so much, this was a great learning curve for me, I’ve enjoyed every minute of it, I have to admit it is my proudest moment in airbrushing mate.. much respect to you.."
Terminator Darren

Veronica, USA

“Primero que nada quiero agradecerte porque siempre pienso que en cualquier profesión que uno desarrolle, o en cualquier tipo de arte, uno puede ser un gran artista pero transmitir los conocimientos con amor, dedicación para que alguien que no tiene a veces ni idea, entienda eso no lo hace cualquiera. Sos un gran profesor.”

Rafa Fonseca

© 2024 By hyperrealism artist Rafa Fonseca     

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Este curso es para uso personal e intransferible, no se puede copiar compartir o difundir por ninguna plataforma, como tampoco usarlo para enseñar sin el permiso por escrito de Rafa Fonseca, el incumplimiento de esto dará por finalizada esta y cualquier otra suscripción a los talleres en Rafa Airbrush School.

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